Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 24
Subject: Trans Healthcare: Specialised Services
Date of meeting: 19 October 2022
Report of: Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Giles Rossington
Tel: 01273 295514
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 This report is in response to a member letter from Cllrs Clare and Powell to the HOSC’s April 2022 meeting. The letter requested that the HOSC scrutinise the planning and delivery of healthcare services for local Trans people. The HOSC Chair agreed to pursue this matter, and asked NHS colleagues to provide a report for the July 2022 HOSC on locally commissioned Trans health services, and a report to a later HOSC on Trans health services commissioned by NHS England on a regional or national basis: e.g. specialist services for adults and children & young people services.
1.2 Information provided by NHS colleagues on NHS England commissioned Trans health services is included as Appendix 1 to this report.
1.3 There will be a further update on plans for the new Sussex-wide gender service at the January 2023 HOSC. This service has recently been procured, and commissioners need to undertake community engagement before discussing the service with the HOSC.
2.1 That Committee notes the information provided on Trans health services.
3.1 Cllrs Clare and Powell wrote to the April 2022 HOSC meeting requesting scrutiny of Trans health services for city residents. The Committee agreed to this request, and the Chair asked NHS colleagues to prepare a report for a future HOC meeting. The issue of Trans healthcare is a complex one, and commissioning arrangements particularly so, with local adult services (e.g. primary care) commissioned by CCGs (and from 01 July 2022 by NHS Sussex), whilst specialist services for adults and all children & young people’s services are commissioned by NHS England. The Chair consequently agreed to split reporting, with locally commissioned services (e.g. primary services for adults) at the July 2022 HOSC meeting, and NHS England-commissioned services (specialist adult services, and all children and young people’s services) at the October meeting. A further paper on the launch of a Sussex-wide gender service is scheduled for January 2023 following community engagement.
3.2 Information on NHS England-commissioned services, provided by NHS colleagues, is included as Appendix 1 to this report.
4.1 Not applicable for this report to note.
5.1 Not applicable for this report to note.
6.1 Members are asked to note information on NHS England-commissioned Trans healthcare services.
7.1 No implications for this report to note
8.1 No legal implications have been identified for this report.
Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 01.11.22
9.1 None directly for this report to note. Members should note that gender reassignment is a protected characteristic in terms of the Equalities Act 2000
10.1 None identified for this report to note.
Supporting Documentation
1. Information on NHS England-commissioned Trans healthcare provided by NHS colleagues.